

Lugli Amedeo Meccanica: a successful story beginning 40 years ago.

Thanks to passion and tenacity and passion LAM is in continuous growth and evolution and, starting from a handful of collaborators, in a short time it arrived to integrate fifty units.

After 40 years Lugli Amedeo Meccanica becomes LAM Srl and is increasingly a leader in milling and turning processings.

With the input of the two sons Simone and Davide, together with expertised people, technical people, operating support in the office plus the new generations, we foresee an excellent future.

Thanks to its cutting-edge equipment, efficient organisation and the high level of specialisation of its workers and technical personnel, the Company obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification and was able to establish itself as a leader in the production of integrated components for the most complex industrial productions.

officina di lavorazioni di precisione meccanica cnc amedeo lugli


Make our brand recognizable as an ideal support for the realization of products that require extreme precision, through continuous updating and development able to satisfy the most demanding requirements.


Through our structure, our expertise and our compromise with the customer, to achieve a high quality standard in terms of speed of response, elasticity and quality in the precision of the machining performed. Passion and competence guide us to undertake the most difficult challenges.

We plan to achieve our targets through a constant updating of our workforce and the drive to constantly improve our performance in terms of production and customer support.
A total operational capacity allow us to support the buyer/customer at every step of production: from design to logistics and delivery of the product.

 Tenacity, to believe in what you do and to believe that sooner or later you will make it. This is the success.
I always involved my whole family in all difficulties I met. Besides my wife Maura, also my brother. Today a generational turnover is already happening. With the input of my two sons Simone and Davide, together with experienced people, technical people, operating support in the office plus the new generations, we foresee an excellent future.

Amedeo Lugli


officina meccanica di precisione

Quality Policy

officina di precisione meccanica cnc